Best Carpets that are Pet-Friendly
Pets in your homes can bring happiness to your whole family. Living with cats and dogs boosts your happiness, based on the statistics when it comes to growing old with a pet considered as a best friend. While you furnish and decorate your house, there are a lot of elements you need to think about concerning your pets. You also need to consider a flooring factor as well.

If you think that you cannot enjoy the benefits of living and having a soft carpet under your feet just because you own a pet, then try to rethink that.
To help you further, check out the pet-friendly carpets that’ll make you rethink your decision to opt for a hardwood floor on top of a carpet flooring once and for all. Read the complete article below to know more about the best-friendly carpets accessible today, and cop one for yourself as soon as you know which ones suitable for your needs.
Frieze Carpet
When you move into a house with a growing dog, the frieze carpet can conceal all of the stains made by your young puppy. Frieze carpet usually ranges nearly $3.50 every square foot and is good for rooms in your house if it usually experiences high volume traffic.
Frieze is a resilient carpet material that greatly works, especially for pet owners. Thanks to its short-twisted fibers, footprints, and dirt can be concealed and are not that obvious. But it still needs professional Raleigh carpet cleaning periodically. Moreover, it can also serve as a noise reducer since it has a thick material. Meaning, you won’t be hearing your barking puppy from the next door over.
Pet-friendly carpets with wool
You can consider installing a pet-friendly carpet that contains wool in your home. Wool is a fabric, which is naturally stain-resistant. On the other side, opting for wool is a costly route to take because it makes up less than one percent of the carpet industry.
Wool is recognized as a sturdy fabric. Because of that, it should be mentioned here in this list. It’s a widely used product that can last for 20 to 30 years as well.
Though having wool carpets in your home’s rooms can be costly upfront, this investment will be a worthy long-term investment. Just consider how to maintain a brand-new carpet and think about the amount of time you have to devote to vacuuming every week.
Recycled carpets
You have to find carpets that are made out of recycled materials. This type of carpet is sustainable and durable. As pet owners, make sure to avoid using carpets with harmful VOC in their materials because it can lead to irritation of the throat and nose.
Apart from that, recycled carpets contain lesser chemical amounts since they are new to the market as well. As you look for pet-friendly carpets, search for the green label of the carpet and rug institute. Usually, recycled carpets are made out of old bottle caps, which can resist the build-up of mildew and mold over time.
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